Monday, January 21, 2008

Don't stop believing

Today I would like to honor courage.
Courage to make change...the courage to believe in dreams, even when it seems impossible.
Often the definition of courage seems to be interpreted incorrectly. Courage is not the entitled blessing of the famous, the infamous or the rich and privileged. In our lives, in our own journeys courage is always necessary to defeat the negative messages or odds stacked against us. A while back I spoke to you about a young man who I visited in the hospital who amazed me with his determination. He and his friend Michael set up a foundation called ZHope and it is among my top bookmarked sites. Zach wants to bike across the country to raise cancer awareness. How cool is that?

Though Zach has been too sick to attend our monthly young adult group meetings, I keep thinking of Zach's courage. Despite the road he has walked, his vision and his belief that he will achieve his dreams have inspired me. I believe he will do it.

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