Sunday, January 6, 2008

Save Vivy!

I don't watch a lot of t.v. anymore. Now the televison is just what it used to be...background noise.
It's all for the absence of the only show I watched with regularity, Side Order of Life. In the fall it went on hiatus...and now with the writer's strike its future remains in the balance. If you didn't catch this new series when it premiered this summer you missed out.
Starring Marissa Coughlan, Diana-Maria Riva, Christopher Gartin and 90210 alum Jason Priestley.
It's a show about figuring things out, re-evaluating priorities, friendships and the whole mixed bag that is life. You might say...hmmm...what makes it so special?

Number one on my list is the portrayal of Vivy Porter, a young woman who is grappling with a cancer diagnosis. Yet this isn't your typical plot point during sweeps week. This is not the over dramatic and melodramatic fare we see in other t.v. series. We won't mention any names. Other shows use cancer as drama and then either kill off the character or never speak of the cancer again. Phew... Dust yourself off...pretend life is magically fixed.

Vivy is not that kind of character and Side Order of Life is not that kind of show.

For once a show dealt with cancer in a responsible, realistic way. They allow viewers to see a person with cancer as courageous, funny, bold but most of all... just like the rest of us.

If you have any interest in how the media portrays cancer survivors I urge you to flood Lifetime with emails of support for this show. Side Order of Life is doing it right. It would be sad if this groundbreaking show fell victim to the writer's strike. Check out this clip...

Better yet...PLEASE COMMENT HERE...share your thoughts about Side Order and I will send them on.

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